We're all communicating with our subconscious mind all the time but without really understanding that the language of the subconscious is different to that of the conscious. This is a very important detail if you're trying to make changes. My job as a Hypnotherapist is to 'speak the language' of the subconscious, to help people make changes quicker and easier. So, here is my tip #1 of a series of tips on how to speak the language of the subconscious mind. If you'd like 1-1 support just click here to book a free consultation
In this video Maral Kojayan discussed behavioural changes from a bigger-picture perspective. Do you think about what's behind your behaviour? Sometimes it can help to think about the underlying levels to get more effective changes. For more support to make sustainable and lasting changes, you can book a free initial consultation and discuss how Maral at Clarity Flow Hypnotherapy could help you with your process.
Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HERE What does it mean to challenge negative thoughts? how does it work? What are it’s shortcomings and is it useful? This video covers all of this with examples of how to try it for yourself. Video: https://youtu.be/xieQQAGsrLk For more support to make sustainable and lasting changes, you can book a free initial consultation and discuss how Maral at Clarity Flow Hypnotherapy could help you with your process. Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HER How comfortable are you with rewarding yourself? Should we be getting more comfortable with it, why and in what way? In this video Maral discusses the relationship between culture, self-reward motivation and neuroscience. For more support to make sustainable and lasting changes, you can book a free initial consultation and discuss how Maral at Clarity Flow Hypnotherapy could help you with your process.
Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HERE What is negativity bias and could scheduling worry time help you hack the brain's negativity bias, and give you more overall peace of mind? You're noticing the brain's negativity bias when: - you recall negative comments more than complements - you dwell on unpleasant experiences more than pleasant ones - you give more weight to the cons than the pros in your weighing things up (your evaluations). There are many things that can be done to 'hack' that negativity bias, this technique is just one of many... For more support to help you make sustainable and lasting changes, you can book a free initial consultation and discuss how Maral at Clarity Flow Hypnotherapy could help you accelerate your process.
Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HERE Nuggets of Neuroscience 3: Why can’t we just make a decision to change a habit, and do it? Here is another 3 min. bitesize bit of neuroscience to help answer these questions and some thoughts and tips to help with having the right mindset to make things easier. Understand how thing work can help us come up with smarter solutions. If you prefer support, you can book a free initial consultation to discuss how hypnotherapy sessions with me, at Clarity Flow Hypnotherapy, could strenghten your process.
Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HERE Nuggets of Neuroscience 2: Stop Identifying With Your Thoughts and Habits. Another 3 minute video as part of the nuggets of neuroscience series. Do you find yourself saying things like, “this is me”; I’m an anxious person, I’m the melancholic type, I’m a perfectionist... Once you are aware of this, you are in a better position to start making changes... If you prefer support, you can book a free initial consultation to discuss how hypnotherapy sessions with me, at Clarity Flow Hypnotherapy, could help you accelerate your process.
Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HERE Nuggets of Neuroscience 1: How to make conscious changes if 95% of brain activity is subconscious? The next few short videos will be about some useful nuggets of neuroscience, because knowing a few simple 'mind-facts' can help us understand how to make changes. Here's the first one: "How to make conscious changes if 95% of brain activity is subconscious?" about subconscious brain activity and ways to speak it's language. More to come... If you're interested in regular one-to one sessions, I am happy to offer you a free initial consultation to give you insights into the working of our brains and how sessions with me, at Clarity Flow Hypnotherapy, could help propel you forwards in being at your best and making what you want happen for yourself.
Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HERE With the New Year’s festivities behind us, we can now start to sharpen the focus on what we want to create for ourselves and how we want to move forward.
Here are some questions to kick-start you into your thinking and planing. First of all, have you started to refocus on your priorities? If not, have a think and start writing things down and brainstorming. If you’ve done that, do you have a clear roadmap to make things happen? If not, draw out your plan - think of it as your guide for yourself. And if you’ve got a plan, do you have things in place to make sure you stick to your plans and keep up the momentum so you continue to see progress for months to come? (Because to make things happen we need focus and consistency). If the answer was no to any of these questions above, Have a think about what’s getting in your way. Do you need more structure, self-discipline, confidence, motivation, inspiration or to get the mental obstacles out the way so you can start making things happen? Pause now and have a think about what’s really in your way. Once you’ve done that, think; How can you improve on this situation? Can you make it happen by yourself? If so great, get started. If not, is this something you need help with? If so, do you have people in your life who can support you and give you a regular boost? If not, and if you feel you could really benefit from external support, have you looked into Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy? I’m not going to go into what solution-focused hypnotherapy is now, but I will say that it can help a lot with gaining more clarify, coming up with solutions and ideas, Transform anxiety into new energy and action, clearing and overcome obstacles that are interfering with you being your best, maintaining focus on your priorities, and very importantly, staying on track for weeks and months to come. And what all that translate to in your everyday life is, for example, that you: manage stress better, get less anxious, can change exercise or eating habits easier, are more confident, can ask for what you want or say ‘no’ easier and as a result ultimately feel happier with yourself, where you’re at, and the direction you’re taking yourself in… The bottom line is, when you choose to focus on your wellbeing and do regular mind-maintenance, you can really make good progress in making things happen, and with the added benefit of hypnotherapy and someone in your corner, you can enrich and accelerate this process even more. So by all means, go back through the first questions in this video to start your process of helping yourself already and look up other ways (there is so much useful information out there!). But if you feel it’s really now time for you to take the next step and really commit to your growth and wellbeing with regular one-to one sessions, I am happy to offer you a free initial consultation to give you insights into the working of our brains and how sessions with me, at Clarity Flow Hypnotherapy, could help propel you forwards in being at your best and making what you want happen for yourself. Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HERE Remember: If you are unhappy with where you’re at, you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect you’ll miraculously feel better.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” (often attributed to Einstein) Be honest with yourself and know that if you want different results: 1) change is needed 2) it’s up to you, no-one can do it for you. But you can have help, and you can ask for help. This can apply to so many things, like: habits and behaviours you don’t like (e.g. procrastination, perfectionism),or to do with how you are in relationships, or work related, it can be weight or eating related or about confidence… In any case, like it or not, want to or not, the way to get different results is to make changes! sometimes you know what needs to change, sometimes it’s trial and error or a series of little things. I’m spelling this out, because although it sound very logical, unfortunately when we’re down we’re often not engaging our highest faculties, we’re often stuck with our primitive mind in the driver’s seat and that part does not like change. maybe you recognise that part inside, the part that would rather suffer than face change. Recognising is a good first step, but action is needed, so figure out what you need to do differently and how. Look things up, ask for support from people around you or speak to a professional like myself (book your free consultation) who can guide and support you in making the changes you want to make. Maral Kojayan MA HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist www.clarityflowhypnotherapy.com TO BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION* FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY CLICK HERE |
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