Very interesting and important talk about how stress (even from childhood) can impact health and even evoke diseases like cancer and multiple sclerosis. Yet more evidence as to why it's so important to empty the stress bucket; a subject we focus on a great deal in Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions. Talk by: Dr. Gabor Maté
Subject: Dr. Gabor Maté: How stress can cause disease. Video by: tvoparents Source: Maral Kojayan BA, MA, DHP, DSFH, HPD Clinical Hypnotherapy t: 07855883967 e: [email protected]
Very important theory for understanding our body reactions when experiencing extreme stress/trauma and psychological and physical responses. The Polyvagal Theory helps us to re-frame, better understand and even be grateful for some of our body responses that we have found difficult to understand or accept, which in turn can prolong issues and lead to other psychological issues. This is a very short sample of the Polyvagal Theory, which has huge implications for many areas of physical and psychological health. Interview of: Stephen Porges
Subject: Polyvagal Theory: How your body makes the decision Video by: meg-rottweil Source: |
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